"Nonprofit and friendly since 1963!"
ROLE: River guide, outdoor educator, storyteller, personal chef, gear repair technician, amateur geologist, backcountry medical responder, professional pineapple-upside-down-cake maker...
I worked on a team of guides to lead 4-6 day wilderness trips on the Green and Yampa Rivers. I was responsible for packing and preparing gear, safely guiding guests down Class IV rapids, setting up camp every night, cooking gourmet meals (steak, curry, fajitas, and lots of dutch oven desserts), and telling good (bad) jokes.
Spending the better part of every week deep in a canyon with no access to the outside world fostered adaptability (ask me about my first trip), resourcefulness (ask me about the time we lost all of our pasta on day 1...), and respect for the elements (ask me about backcountry medical evacuations).
IMPACT: Showing people the magic of unplugging, educating future generations on the legacy of environmental conservation and indigenous stewardship.

Green river joy! Lodore Canyon, 2022
Sharing the story of indigenous pictographs. Green River, 2022